All about the babies and a little more! The days are long but the years are short.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

six months in three days!

I am guilty of not writing up enough updates about my boy. When you have two kids to manage you end up being really busy all the time. I could have made some time for this though which is why I feel bad. He turns six months on Jan 8th and I turn 27. Wow! Once you become an adult time does seem to run fast. So I'm in my late 20s and yes that is sad but I tell myself that each year we live longer we get closer to dying. And dying does not have to be something to be afraid of depending on how we live our lives.

Haroon has been a wonderful, happy baby. He smiles almost all the time and giggles when you make him laugh. When the world around me goes crazy that beautiful toothless smile seems to appear out of no where as if to say “Its ok mommy, everything will be ok” And I cant help but smile back!

Love is an amazing thing but a mothers love is even more amazing. It is pure and true... giving and giving with no expectation or and no returns at all!

As he rolls over and lifts himself up attempting to crawl... getting about just anywhere he wants to, I can only imagine how much more mobile my life woulg get, running after him trying to keep him safe. More updates on the loving sister will follow when time permits.


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