All about the babies and a little more! The days are long but the years are short.

Friday, March 4, 2011

The search for schools

I am not looking forward to Jannah's first day of school. I will miss her. I mean in all honesty yes I do find myself secretly wishing for a break sometimes but the reality is that it will be tough for both of us. The recent past has been very hard for me which is why I rarely post over here or have any time to take pics of my kids like I used to. I have work to do almost all the time and in additon to that I have to fight tantrums and be level headed all day long. Some days are good and some days are bad. Some nights are nice and some nights are tiring, sleepless and very stressed out.

Alhamdulillah whatever comes our way we manage and at the end of our day we remind ourselves that we are blessed with something beautiful. We feel thankful and grateful for every moment we have had as family. There are millions out there who have children who are sick or can not even conceive at all and Masha Allah we happen to be doing fine. And Allah Knows best!

Muslim schools or regular schools?

Islamic education is important but you cannot blindly put your children in an islamic school and not give them adequate back up at home. I studied in a strict islamic environment yet have seen students at both ends of the spectrum. Home is a child's first school and home schooling conitues whether your child is in a regular school or not. A balanced aproach to life with guidance given and values taugh earlier on in life will help a child in what decisions to make and which actions to take when he or she is at a age to tell right from wrong.


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