All about the babies and a little more! The days are long but the years are short.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013


Every time, that time of the year approaches I am filled with guilt. You child has been bringing home invitations to parties and is looking forward to their own. Throwing a party to make your child feel special is not in my books. First off I have to burden ten other families to go hunting for a birthday present. Half of these presents end up being barbies or some disney themed product which you rather not have your child own. No, we don't buy our daughter blue eyed, blond haired princess looking dolls. We teach her that inner beauty is what counts so yeah I hate the idea of having people bring you gifts you don't want or already have. Also when I have a paty knowing that there are children who's parents may not be able to afford a party of their own, I am putting those people in a difficult spot. So yes I will invite you for parties but they wont be birthday parties. Haroon has never had a birthday party. Jannah had a first birthday party and that was it.She is six next week. I am proud of it and hope to keep it up for as long as possible. Now, I have to go explain to Jannah why we don't do birthday parties. Yes I will bake a cake just for the family and perhaps make her some cookies but that will be all. No balloons. No candles.Let us rather reflect upon the year that has passed and look at how we can improve our lives.

This is also one of those moments where my religious teachings make complete sense.


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