All about the babies and a little more! The days are long but the years are short.

Monday, February 11, 2008

Dear Jannah

We took you for your two month checkup and vaccination today. I wish I could share half the pain. Your dad was almost in tears to watch you cry of that pain. It was the first time we saw tears in those little pretty eyes. It’s hard for me to imagine five needles inside me… are just an infant like grandma always says. I gave you the pain relief but my heart breaks to hear you cry. I cut my finger too on Saturday when I was trying to cook while being home alone with you. It bled for about two hours non-stop until grandpa dressed it for me. Today it hurts again.
My dear loved one, I hope you don’t break into a fever and I do hope those little thighs get better fast. It’s for your own good. That’s what I keep telling myself. I have still to call the clinic to ask them what they poked into you. My dear girl, sleep peacefully tonight and let me pray for that bad feeling to go away soon. We have to repeat this in two months. Angel, this is your last week with grandma, grandpa and little uncle. Soon their memories will leave your mind… but somewhere far away they will wake up everyday hoping and praying that your doing great and that your little mum and busy dad are taking good care of you.
Let me sing you to sleep like I do everyday and let my singing drown away your pain…
Your mum


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