Jannah turns 1
I recall my very first appointment with the gynecologist… my fears… my hopes… A million words could not describe the feelings running through a very new mum to be…
The day Jannah was born is still fresh in my mind. I don’t think it will ever wilt away. The ride to the hospital with the broken water and snowy roads. The wheel chair ride up to the room… the cramps and the delivery… then her cry… It was such an amazing experience.
Life gave me a new reason to live for… and even though I had a really difficult pregnancy unable to keep down any food I still think I can do it all over again… Because no matter how hard it is, the reward is great and beyond what anyone can express! The joy is unimaginable until its felt!
Happy Birthday Dear Darling
And many more wonderful years to come!
You will always be special in the hearts that love you
You will always be our sweet angel and cuddly baby
Smile at the storms that life throws at you
Ignore the pain – it's not worth it!
Reach for the highest of heavens
And be the best you can be!
Thank you dear Jannah for making our life Whole!
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