Welcome to the world!
My thoughts have been running wild but I have not had the time nor the energy to sit down and capture them into words. You were born last Sunday - August 16th, 2015 at 10:26 PM in Jersey City, New Jersey. It was a difficult birth. It was lovely to meet you. Words can never explain the feeling.
You were a part of me. We went for our medical check ups together. I felt your kicks and hiccups from within me. I felt breathless, and tired and heavy. We are now no more parts of the same body. You are your own person and I am here to take care of you and give you to the world as a person of goodness. Abdullah Moosa - May Allah protect you and guide you. Your brother and sister are so excited to have you home finally. Your grandparents and dad are my greatest strength. My love for you is beyond what anyone can ever imagine. You and your siblings are my life.... I cried on the last day at the hospital... It is overwhelming at times, I have to be honest but we will get through it together insha Allah and it will all seem completely worth it at the end. Simple things like taking a shower with enough time to rinse out the conditioner off of your hair or making your bed when you wake up have suddenly become luxuries. You are the only priority now and everything revolves around your schedule. Every blood test you go through is nere reckoning. You are lucky that you will not remember any of it!
I love you all so mucg- my Jannah, Haroon and Moosa.
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