All about the babies and a little more! The days are long but the years are short.

Saturday, March 14, 2020

Dear Moosa

Had you with Pitocin and without any epidural. You were the hardest of all.

Your first winter was a tough one

Took you and the siblings to the doctor alone... 

Even with all my force, the stroller would not move across the greasy snow

We moved to texas before you turned 2

We got through each day together you and I... longing for the evenings... longing for a drive...

I blinked and you are 4.5

When I blink again maybe 14?


A day came and a day went 

you were five

I want to run I want to hide

Yet 'time' somehow will find my plight

The grey hairs are too many to count now

I live not for myself but to raise you all, right

Someday I will discover why

Why I was put here in this vast world

What purpose to give, what reason to share

Question our existence, we must not dare.

I love you, buddy, with every beating heart and every ticking clock

Grow up, be good; do us proud!