All about the babies and a little more! The days are long but the years are short.

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Read this

Tuesday, November 26, 2013


I fondly recall memories of Grandma,

Today she is a great grandmother of five and very jolly, Masha Allah. The ups and downs of life and the various experiences in life have made her wiser. She may never bump into this post about her and I probably have not told her enough that I lover her.

My parenting advice!

It is sad but true. Your past will always come to haunt you, if it was not good. Even the judicial system looks into a person's track record to make conclusions about him because if he did it once, he can always do it again. No matter how much of a clean slate approach you make, your past will be a part of your future whether you like it or not. So as parents let us make a great past for our children, for their future. Say "No" and stand by it! One day they will thank you!