In all honesty
In all honesty (not for you to read Jannah ;)
- to be able to have to not be worried all the time that she is not eating bugs...
- to be able to shop in the malls without having to run after her
- to be able to sleep without being woken to her sounds
- to be able to got out and sit down and have a quiet dinner without cutlery on the floor and ketchup on the table cloth
- to be able to wear a t shirt on a single day without a chocolate milk stain...
- to be able to relax under the shades of a tree
- to be able to not have to vacuum three times a day
.... sometimes its just a dream, a luxury but having a child in your life gives your life meaning and completes it so nevermind the stains and spills, the tantrums and the yells, the running and the catching.... she is the one that makes us smile through all of it... she is the meaning of our lives.